create new record
Variable | Name | Type | Format | Usage | Description |
action | Action | string | |||
checksum | checksum | string | Checksum | ||
client_code | Client code | string | Unique client identifier. Issued automatically by the System upon new Customer registration. | ||
content | content | string | |||
content_type | content_type | string | Content type | ||
create_date | Create Date | string | DATETIME | The date entry was created on | |
create_user | Create User | string | The username of ABS user who has created an entry | ||
debtor_account | debtor_account | string | Debtor’s account number | ||
error_description | Error Description | string | Description of error | ||
file_name | file_name | string | File name | ||
form_title | form_title | string | Service field | ||
id | id | integer | INT64 | Record's sequence number generated in the system. | |
message_id | message_id | string | |||
modify_date | Modify Date | string | DATETIME | The date entry was last modified on | |
modify_user | Modify User | string | The username of ABS user who has made last changes to the entry | ||
number_of_transactions | number_of_transactions | integer | INT64 | Number of transactions | |
package_id | Package id | integer | |||
payment_information_id | payment_information_id | string | Payment information id | ||
processing_status | Processing Status | string | Status of remote client data processing received from the external system | ||
processing_step | Processing step | string | Step of remote client data processing received from the external system | ||
requested_execution_date | requested_execution_date | string | DATE | Requested execution date | |
state | state | integer | INT64 | Record state for replication | |
uid | uid | string | Unique record identifier which is used to distinguish between existing records | ||
version | version | integer | INT64 | Record version for replication |
{ "client_code" : "EN00000CY", "content": "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", "content_type": "csv", "requested_execution_date": "", "debtor_account": "", "file_name": "filename" }
200 - Response successfully when status is OK
200 - Response successfully when status is OK
Variable | Name | Type | Format | Description |
status | status | string | Request execution status | |
error_description | Error Description | string | Description of error | |
error | Error Code | string | Error code | |
data_type | data_type | string | Type of data | |
total_records | total_records | string | Total count of records | |
data | data | object | data of Response |
Variable | Name | Type | Format | Description |
action | Action | string | ||
checksum | checksum | string | Checksum | |
client_code | Client code | string | Unique client identifier. Issued automatically by the System upon new Customer registration. | |
content | content | string | ||
content_type | content_type | string | Content type | |
create_date | Create Date | string | DATETIME | The date entry was created on |
create_user | Create User | string | The username of ABS user who has created an entry | |
debtor_account | debtor_account | string | Debtor’s account number | |
error_description | Error Description | string | Description of error | |
file_name | file_name | string | File name | |
form_title | form_title | string | Service field | |
id | id | integer | INT64 | Record's sequence number generated in the system. |
message_id | message_id | string | ||
modify_date | Modify Date | string | DATETIME | The date entry was last modified on |
modify_user | Modify User | string | The username of ABS user who has made last changes to the entry | |
number_of_transactions | number_of_transactions | integer | INT64 | Number of transactions |
package_id | Package id | integer | ||
payment_information_id | payment_information_id | string | Payment information id | |
processing_status | Processing Status | string | Status of remote client data processing received from the external system | |
processing_step | Processing step | string | Step of remote client data processing received from the external system | |
requested_execution_date | requested_execution_date | string | DATE | Requested execution date |
state | state | integer | INT64 | Record state for replication |
uid | uid | string | Unique record identifier which is used to distinguish between existing records | |
version | version | integer | INT64 | Record version for replication |
{ "status": "ok", "error_description": "", "error": {}, "data_type": "system.api.paymentInitiationImport.paymentInitiationImportModel", "total_records": 1, "data": { "client_code": "EN00000CY", "content_type": "csv", "message_id": "", "payment_information_id": "", "number_of_transactions": 0, "requested_execution_date": null, "debtor_account": "", "file_name": "filename", "processing_status": "NEW", "processing_step": "NORMAL", "error_description": "", "checksum": "", "package_id": 21742, "uid": "c8aa2d8a-8e82-299d-8c14-a52d1030d35b", "id": 299, "version": 1180011287, "state": 0, "create_user": "root", "create_date": "2021-12-02T10:55:05.627", "modify_user": "root", "modify_date": "2021-12-02T10:55:05.639" } }
200 - Response with error when status is ERROR
200 - Response with error when status is ERROR
Variable | Name | Type | Format | Description |
status | status | string | Request execution status | |
error_description | Error Description | string | Description of error | |
error | Error Code | string | Error code | |
data_type | data_type | string | Type of data | |
total_records | total_records | string | Total count of records | |
data | data | object | Empty object |