Prepare Counterparty data
Variable | Name | Type | Format | Usage | Description |
X-App-Sig | X-App-Sig | header | string | M |
Variable | Name | Type | Format | Usage | Description |
action | Action | string | |||
client_code | Client code | string | M | Unique client identifier. Issued automatically by the System upon new Customer registration. | |
client_group | client_group | string | M | Client group List of allowed values in field (value=>name):
communication_language | communication_language | string | Language for communication | ||
counterparty_status | counterparty_status | string | M | Counterparty status | |
create_date | Create Date | string | DATETIME | The date entry was created on | |
create_user | Create User | string | The username of ABS user who has created an entry | ||
date_of_birth | date_of_birth | string | DATE | M | Customer date of birthday |
description | description | string | Description of a given record | ||
division_client_code | Division client code | string | |||
entity_type | entity_type | string | M | Customer type | |
external_counterparty_id | external_counterparty_id | string | External system client id connection | ||
external_number | external_number | string | External client number for client | ||
first_name | first_name | string | M | First name of a given customer (user) | |
form_title | form_title | string | Service field | ||
full_legal_address | full_legal_address | string | Customer full address aggregates [Address Line 1], [Address Line 2], [City], [County], [Post Code] and [Country] | ||
full_name | full_name | string | Customer full name [first_name] and [last_name] for PERSON and [first_name] only for BUSINESS customer types respectively | ||
gender | gender | string | M | Customer gender | |
id | id | integer | INT64 | Record's sequence number generated in the system. | |
invitation_token | Invitation token | string | |||
last_name | last_name | string | M | Last name of a given customer (user) | |
modify_date | Modify Date | string | DATETIME | The date entry was last modified on | |
modify_user | Modify User | string | The username of ABS user who has made last changes to the entry | ||
password | Password | string | Client password issued to the client by the external system | ||
place_of_birth | place_of_birth | string | |||
processing_data | processing_data | string | Data of processing operation | ||
processing_result | processing_result | string | |||
processing_review | Aml system processing status | string | |||
processing_status | Processing Status | string | Status of remote client data processing received from the external system | ||
registration_number | registration_number | string | Registration number of a legal entity or personal code of an individual (user) | ||
residence_country | residence_country | string | M | Country of residence of the client. Two-letter country code (ISO country) | |
scoring_points | scoring_points | integer | INTEGER | M | Client AML scoring points |
scoring_risk_group | scoring_risk_group | string | Client AML scoring group | ||
state | state | integer | INT64 | Record state for replication | |
uid | uid | string | Unique record identifier which is used to distinguish between existing records | ||
version | version | integer | INT64 | Record version for replication |
{ "client_code": "EN00000K6", "full_name": "ELCOIN UAB", "first_name": "ELCOIN UAB", "last_name": "", "client_group": "COUNTERPARTY", "entity_type": "BUSINESS", "external_number": "", "date_of_birth": "2019-04-21", "gender": "E", "registration_number": "LT1234567890", "counterparty_status": "PENDING", "full_legal_address": "The Lansdowne Building, No 2 Lansdowne Road, Croydon, CR9 2 ER, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", "residence_country": "LT7", "external_counterparty_id": "5f08436e0155b1251466b244", "scoring_risk_group": "", "scoring_points": 0, "processing_review": "", "processing_status": "", "processing_data": "{\"description\":\"Applicant with external user id 'ec1204e4-f4fe-d28d-6c14-7cdf58a60642' already exists: 5f08436e0155b1251466b244\",\"code\":409,\"correlationId\":\"req-4f372fdf-c920-4e59-a1b5-3fe9f190f5b4\"}", "processing_result": "ERROR", "communication_language": "", "description": "ELCOIN UAB", "uid": "ec1204e4-f4fe-d28d-6c14-7cdf58a60642", "id": 2351213, "version": 443530307, "create_user": "root", "create_date": "2020-07-10T13:29:52.094", "modify_date": "2020-07-14T18:56:11.953" }
200 - Response successfully when status is OK
Variable | Name | Type | Format | Description |
status | status | string | Request execution status | |
error_description | Error Description | string | Description of error | |
error | Error Code | string | Error code | |
data_type | data_type | string | Type of data | |
total_records | total_records | string | Total count of records | |
data | data | object | data of Response |
Variable | Name | Type | Format | Description |
action | Action | string | ||
client_code | Client code | string | Unique client identifier. Issued automatically by the System upon new Customer registration. | |
client_group | client_group | string | Client group | |
communication_language | communication_language | string | Language for communication | |
counterparty_status | counterparty_status | string | Counterparty status | |
create_date | Create Date | string | DATETIME | The date entry was created on |
create_user | Create User | string | The username of ABS user who has created an entry | |
date_of_birth | date_of_birth | string | DATE | Customer date of birthday |
description | description | string | Description of a given record | |
division_client_code | Division client code | string | ||
entity_type | entity_type | string | Customer type | |
external_counterparty_id | external_counterparty_id | string | External system client id connection | |
external_number | external_number | string | External client number for client | |
first_name | first_name | string | First name of a given customer (user) | |
form_title | form_title | string | Service field | |
full_legal_address | full_legal_address | string | Customer full address aggregates [Address Line 1], [Address Line 2], [City], [County], [Post Code] and [Country] | |
full_name | full_name | string | Customer full name [first_name] and [last_name] for PERSON and [first_name] only for BUSINESS customer types respectively | |
gender | gender | string | Customer gender | |
id | id | integer | INT64 | Record's sequence number generated in the system. |
invitation_token | Invitation token | string | ||
last_name | last_name | string | Last name of a given customer (user) | |
modify_date | Modify Date | string | DATETIME | The date entry was last modified on |
modify_user | Modify User | string | The username of ABS user who has made last changes to the entry | |
password | Password | string | Client password issued to the client by the external system | |
place_of_birth | place_of_birth | string | ||
processing_data | processing_data | string | Data of processing operation | |
processing_result | processing_result | string | ||
processing_review | Aml system processing status | string | ||
processing_status | Processing Status | string | Status of remote client data processing received from the external system | |
registration_number | registration_number | string | Registration number of a legal entity or personal code of an individual (user) | |
residence_country | residence_country | string | Country of residence of the client. Two-letter country code (ISO country) | |
scoring_points | scoring_points | integer | INTEGER | Client AML scoring points |
scoring_risk_group | scoring_risk_group | string | Client AML scoring group | |
state | state | integer | INT64 | Record state for replication |
uid | uid | string | Unique record identifier which is used to distinguish between existing records | |
version | version | integer | INT64 | Record version for replication |
{ "status": "ok", "error_description": "", "error": {}, "data_type": "system.api.counterparty.counterpartyModel", "total_records": 1, "data": { "client_code": "EN00000K6", "full_name": "ELCOIN UAB", "first_name": "ELCOIN UAB", "last_name": "", "client_group": "COUNTERPARTY", "entity_type": "BUSINESS", "external_number": "", "date_of_birth": "2019-04-21", "gender": "E", "registration_number": "LT1234567890", "counterparty_status": "PENDING", "full_legal_address": "The Lansdowne Building, No 2 Lansdowne Road, Croydon, CR9 2 ER, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", "residence_country": "LT7", "external_counterparty_id": "5f08436e0155b1251466b244", "scoring_risk_group": "", "scoring_points": 0, "processing_review": "", "processing_status": "", "processing_data": "{\"description\":\"Applicant with external user id 'ec1204e4-f4fe-d28d-6c14-7cdf58a60642' already exists: 5f08436e0155b1251466b244\",\"code\":409,\"correlationId\":\"req-4f372fdf-c920-4e59-a1b5-3fe9f190f5b4\"}", "processing_result": "ERROR", "communication_language": "", "description": "ELCOIN UAB", "uid": "ec1204e4-f4fe-d28d-6c14-7cdf58a60642", "id": 2351213, "version": 443530307, "create_user": "root", "create_date": "2020-07-10T13:29:52.094", "modify_date": "2020-07-14T18:56:11.953" } }
200 - Response with error when status is ERROR
Variable | Name | Type | Format | Description |
status | status | string | Request execution status | |
error_description | Error Description | string | Description of error | |
error | Error Code | string | Error code | |
data_type | data_type | string | Type of data | |
total_records | total_records | string | Total count of records | |
data | data | object | Empty object |