Variable | Name | Type | Format | Usage | Description |
X-App-Sig | X-App-Sig | header | string | M | Dev Authentication |
Example | DEV-SKIP |
Variable | Name | Type | Format | Usage | Description |
account | account | string | M | account | |
amount_from | amount_from | number | decimal | M | Amount operation From |
amount_to | amount_to | number | decimal | M | Amount operation To |
client_code | Client code | string | M | Unique client identifier. Issued automatically by the System upon new Customer registration. | |
date_from | date_from | string | DATE | M | The period of dates for which you need to receive an extract - date From |
date_to | date_to | string | DATE | M | The period of dates for which you need to receive an extract - date To |
division_client_code | Division client code | string | |||
keyword | Keyword | string | |||
limit | limit | integer | int64 | Count records for part data to get | |
offset_version | Offset version | INTEGER | |||
offsetid | Offsetid | integer | |||
only_total | Only total | boolean | List of allowed values in field (value=>name):
page | page | integer | int64 | Part data with number of page | |
page_changes_version_offset | Page changes version offset | INTEGER | |||
skip_total_records | Skip total records | boolean | List of allowed values in field (value=>name):
{ "account": "6002978000000857", "date_from": "2020-01-01", "date_to": "2021-01-20" }
200 - Response successfully when status is OK
200 - Response successfully when status is OK
Variable | Name | Type | Format | Description |
status | status | string | Request execution status | |
error_description | Error Description | string | Description of error | |
error | Error Code | string | Error code | |
data_type | data_type | string | Type of data | |
total_records | total_records | string | Total count of records | |
data | data | array | data of Response |
Variable | Name | Type | Format | Description |
account | account | string | account | |
account_number | account_number | string | Account_number | |
action | Action | string | ||
base_currency | base_currency | string | Operation currency From | |
beneficiary | beneficiary | string | Beneficiary full name [Name] and [Surname] for Individual and [Company Name] only for Business customer types respectively | |
beneficiary_account | beneficiary_account | string | Beneficiary’s account number | |
beneficiary_agent_bic | Beneficiary agent BIC | string | ||
beneficiary_agent_name | Beneficiary agent name | string | ||
beneficiary_client_code | Beneficiary client code | string | ||
create_date | Create Date | string | DATETIME | The date entry was created on |
create_user | Create User | string | The username of ABS user who has created an entry | |
credit_amount | credit_amount | number | decimal | Credit operation amount |
credit_amount_num | REAL CREDIT AMOUNT WITHOUT EXPONENTA | double | ||
currency | currency | string | Currency of the account | |
currency_exponenta | Currency exponenta | integer | ||
debet_amount | debet_amount | number | decimal | Debet operation amount |
debet_amount_num | REAL DEBET AMOUNT WITHOUT EXPONENTA | double | ||
details | details | string | Details of payment | |
document_reference | document_reference | string | The unique payment ID as assigned by the ABS system upon Payment registration in the ABS | |
form_title | form_title | string | Service field | |
gl | Gl | integer | ||
header_id | Transaction | integer | ||
id | id | integer | INT64 | Record's sequence number generated in the system. |
mcc_description | Mcc description | string | ||
merchant_category_code | Merchant category code | string | ||
modify_date | Modify Date | string | DATETIME | The date entry was last modified on |
modify_user | Modify User | string | The username of ABS user who has made last changes to the entry | |
payment_type | payment_type | string | Payment type | |
product_code | Product Code | string | Code of a given product | |
rate | rate | number | decimal | Rate of operation |
sender | Sender | string | ||
sender_account | Sender\'s Account | string | ||
sender_agent_bic | Sender agent BIC | string | ||
sender_agent_name | Sender agent name | string | ||
sender_client_code | Sender client code | string | ||
source_amount | Source amount | number | ||
source_currency | Source currency | string | ||
state | state | integer | INT64 | Record state for replication |
transaction_date | Transaction Date | string | DATE | Date of transaction |
transaction_type | transaction_type | string | Type of transaction | |
uid | uid | string | Unique record identifier which is used to distinguish between existing records | |
ultimate_creditor_name | Ultimate creditor name | string | ||
ultimate_debtor_name | Ultimate debtor name | string | ||
version | version | integer | INT64 | Record version for replication |
{ "status": "ok", "error_description": "", "error": {}, "data_type": "", "total_records": 11, "data": [ { "id": 2, "parent_id": 1, "transaction_date": "2020-05-04", "document_reference": "PFEE20050003K34G", "transaction_type": "FEE GENERAL", "account": "6002978000000857", "gl": 30311000, "debet_amount": 0.85, "credit_amount": 0.0, "currency": "EUR", "sender": "Michael Jackson", "sender_client_code": "EN000C1WQ", "sender_account": "6002978000000857", "beneficiary": "", "beneficiary_client_code": "", "beneficiary_account": "", "details": "154000 e-Wallet management service 08.04.2020 - 30.04.2020", "header_id": 6301457, "sender_agent_name": "", "sender_agent_bic": "", "beneficiary_agent_name": "", "beneficiary_agent_bic": "", "rate": 0.0, "base_currency": "", "source_currency": "", "source_amount": 0.0, "payment_type": "FEE", "product_code": "", "merchant_category_code": "", "mcc_description": "", "create_user": "azukovs" }, { "id": 3, "parent_id": 1, "transaction_date": "2020-06-04", "document_reference": "PFEE200600GKPNS7", "transaction_type": "FEE GENERAL", "account": "6002978000000857", "gl": 30311000, "debet_amount": 1.05, "credit_amount": 0.0, "currency": "EUR", "sender": "Michael Jackson", "sender_client_code": "EN000C1WQ", "sender_account": "6002978000000857", "beneficiary": "", "beneficiary_client_code": "", "beneficiary_account": "", "details": "151000 Open e-Cash Account 04.06.2020", "header_id": 6318721, "sender_agent_name": "", "sender_agent_bic": "", "beneficiary_agent_name": "", "beneficiary_agent_bic": "", "rate": 0.0, "base_currency": "", "source_currency": "", "source_amount": 0.0, "payment_type": "FEE", "product_code": "", "merchant_category_code": "", "mcc_description": "", "create_user": "root" }, { "id": 4, "parent_id": 1, "transaction_date": "2020-06-25", "document_reference": "PFEE200600GKUDHF", "transaction_type": "FEE GENERAL", "account": "6002978000000857", "gl": 30311000, "debet_amount": 1.11, "credit_amount": 0.0, "currency": "EUR", "sender": "Michael Jackson", "sender_client_code": "EN000C1WQ", "sender_account": "6002978000000857", "beneficiary": "", "beneficiary_client_code": "", "beneficiary_account": "", "details": "154000 e-Wallet management service 01.06.2020 - 30.06.2020", "header_id": 6334356, "sender_agent_name": "", "sender_agent_bic": "", "beneficiary_agent_name": "", "beneficiary_agent_bic": "", "rate": 0.0, "base_currency": "", "source_currency": "", "source_amount": 0.0, "payment_type": "FEE", "product_code": "", "merchant_category_code": "", "mcc_description": "", "create_user": "root" }, { "id": 5, "parent_id": 1, "transaction_date": "2020-08-01", "document_reference": "PFEE200800JZ3R34", "transaction_type": "FEE GENERAL", "account": "6002978000000857", "gl": 30311000, "debet_amount": 1.11, "credit_amount": 0.0, "currency": "EUR", "sender": "Michael Jackson", "sender_client_code": "EN000C1WQ", "sender_account": "6002978000000857", "beneficiary": "", "beneficiary_client_code": "", "beneficiary_account": "", "details": "154000 e-Wallet management service 01.07.2020 - 31.07.2020", "header_id": 6335418, "sender_agent_name": "", "sender_agent_bic": "", "beneficiary_agent_name": "", "beneficiary_agent_bic": "", "rate": 0.0, "base_currency": "", "source_currency": "", "source_amount": 0.0, "payment_type": "FEE", "product_code": "", "merchant_category_code": "", "mcc_description": "", "create_user": "root" }, { "id": 6, "parent_id": 1, "transaction_date": "2020-09-01", "document_reference": "PFEE200900M03PBD", "transaction_type": "FEE GENERAL", "account": "6002978000000857", "gl": 30311000, "debet_amount": 1.11, "credit_amount": 0.0, "currency": "EUR", "sender": "Michael Jackson", "sender_client_code": "EN000C1WQ", "sender_account": "6002978000000857", "beneficiary": "", "beneficiary_client_code": "", "beneficiary_account": "", "details": "154000 e-Wallet management service 01.08.2020 - 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200 - Response with error when status is ERROR
200 - Response with error when status is ERROR
Variable | Name | Type | Format | Description |
status | status | string | Request execution status | |
error_description | Error Description | string | Description of error | |
error | Error Code | string | Error code | |
data_type | data_type | string | Type of data | |
total_records | total_records | string | Total count of records | |
data | data | object | Empty object |
{ "status": "error", "error_description": "[ERROR-VALIDATE-REQUEST] [INCORRECT-PERIOD]", "error": {}, "data_type": "", "total_records": -2, "data": {} }