Account. Create data POST

Create Account or add New Currency to existing Account

# REQUEST arguments
Variable Value Example Usage Description
M Dev Authentication
# REQUEST arguments
Variable Name Type Format Usage Description
X-App-Sig X-App-Sig header string M Dev Authentication
Schema: accountCreateRequest
Type: object
Variable Name Type Format Usage Description
account_group account_group string Group of account
List of allowed values in field (value=>name):
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
account_product_settings_code Account product settings code STRING
account_product_settings_id Account settings Id integer
account_scheme account_scheme string
List of allowed values in field (value=>name):
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
account_settings_description Account settings string
base_account base_account string M Base multicurrency account
client_code Client code string M Unique client identifier. Issued automatically by the System upon new Customer registration.
client_name client_name string Customer full name
currency currency string Currency of the account
description description string Description of a given record
product_code Product Code string Code of a given product
uid uid string Unique record identifier which is used to distinguish between existing records

200 - Response successfully when status is OK

Schema: account
Type: application/json
Variable Name Type Format Description
status status string Request execution status
error_description Error Description string Description of error
error Error Code string Error code
data_type data_type string Type of data
total_records total_records string Total count of records
data data object data of Response
attribute: data
Variable Name Type Format Description
base_account base_account string Base multicurrency account
account account string account
account_number account_number string Account_number
iban iban string A unique account IBAN generated by the System according to IBAN generation rules
client_code Client code string Unique client identifier. Issued automatically by the System upon new Customer registration.
full_name full_name string Customer full name [first_name] and [last_name] for PERSON and [first_name] only for BUSINESS customer types respectively
account_group account_group string Group of account
currency currency string Currency of the account
gl Gl integer
description description string Description of a given record
open_date Open Date string DATE A date when account was set to Active
account_scheme account_scheme string
account_product_settings_id Account settings Id integer
account_settings_description Account settings string
account_subtype account_subtype string Account subtype
joint_account joint_account string Joint account for current account
master_gl Master gl INTEGER
master_base_account Master base account STRING
master_account Master account STRING
account_status Account Status string Status which is given to the account
nostro_account nostro_account string Nostro account
close_date Close Date string DATE Client close date in the system
nostro_owner_code nostro_owner_code string Counterparty code
counterparty_name counterparty_name string
overdraft_account overdraft_account string Overdraft account for current account
external_number external_number string External client number for client
subledger_type subledger_type string Subledger type
product_code Product Code string Code of a given product
branch branch string
client_id Client ID integer
open_amount open_amount number Account open amount (for overdraft/deposit) move to data
last_operation_date last_operation_date STRING
last_debet_date last_debet_date STRING
last_debet_amount last_debet_amount NUMBER
last_credit_date last_credit_date STRING
last_credit_amount last_credit_amount NUMBER
action Action string
currency_exponenta Currency exponenta integer
balance_num Balance double
balance balance number decimal Current account balance at the moment
external_balance_num External balance double
external_balance External balance exponented NUMBER
uid uid string Unique record identifier which is used to distinguish between existing records
hold_balance hold_balance number decimal Hold balance
hold_balance_num Hold balance num double
id id integer INT64 Record's sequence number generated in the system.
stop_debit SD STRING
version version integer INT64 Record version for replication
state state integer INT64 Record state for replication
stop_credit SC STRING
division_client_code Division client code string
form_title form_title string Service field
reservations Reserved NUMBER
create_user Create User string The username of ABS user who has created an entry
holds holds number decimal Holds
client_type Client type STRING
old_account_status Old account status STRING
error_description Error Description string Description of error
create_date Create Date string DATETIME The date entry was created on
modify_user Modify User string The username of ABS user who has made last changes to the entry
view_ewallet view_ewallet string
modify_date Modify Date string DATETIME The date entry was last modified on

200 - Response with error when status is ERROR

Schema: HeaderResponseStatusError
Type: application/json
Variable Name Type Format Description
status status string Request execution status
error_description Error Description string Description of error
error Error Code string Error code
data_type data_type string Type of data
total_records total_records string Total count of records
data data object Empty object