Convertation. Fetch data by ID / UID GET

Fetch Payment Convertation data by ID or UID

# REQUEST arguments
Variable Value Example Usage Description
M Dev Authentication
6810322 - for ID

cccce8e0-6042-fb8e-7014-194180759adc - for UID
M Record ID or UID
# REQUEST arguments
Variable Name Type Format Usage Description
X-App-Sig X-App-Sig header string M Dev Authentication
id id path integer M Record ID or UID
Example 6810322 - for ID

cccce8e0-6042-fb8e-7014-194180759adc - for UID

200 - Response successfully when status is OK

200 - Response successfully when status is OK

Schema: paymentConvertation
Type: application/json
Variable Name Type Format Description
status status string Request execution status
error_description Error Description string Description of error
error Error Code string Error code
data_type data_type string Type of data
total_records total_records string Total count of records
data data object data of Response
attribute: data
Variable Name Type Format Description
action Action string
amount_signature amount_signature string Signature operation for amount
application_id Application id integer
assumed_rate Assumed rate number
assumed_rate_exponenta Assumed rate exponenta integer
assumed_rate_num Assumed rate num double
attachments attachments string Attachments
calculation_type Calculation type STRING
client_authorization_type Client authorization type string
create_date Create Date string DATETIME The date entry was created on
create_user Create User string The username of ABS user who has created an entry
creditor_account creditor_account string Creditor’s account number
creditor_account_iban creditor_account_iban string The IBAN of the creditor
creditor_account_number Creditor account number string
creditor_account_reference_id Creditor account reference id integer
creditor_amount Creditor amount number
creditor_amount_num Creditor amount num double
creditor_base_account Creditor E-wallet STRING
creditor_base_nostro Creditor base nostro STRING
creditor_client_code creditor_client_code string Unique customer ID in external system
creditor_counterparty_id Creditor counterparty id integer
creditor_currency Creditor currency string
creditor_currency_exponenta Creditor currency exponenta integer
creditor_gl Creditor gl integer
creditor_liquidity_base_nostro Creditor liquidity base nostro STRING
creditor_master_account Creditor master account STRING
creditor_master_base_account Creditor master base account STRING
creditor_master_gl Creditor master gl INTEGER
currency_rate_id Currency rate id integer
debtor_account debtor_account string Debtor’s account number
debtor_account_iban debtor_account_iban string The IBAN of the debtor
debtor_account_number Debtor account number string
debtor_account_reference_id Debtor account reference id integer
debtor_amount Debtor amount number
debtor_amount_num Debtor amount num double
debtor_base_account Debtor E-wallet STRING
debtor_base_nostro Debtor base nostro STRING
debtor_client_code debtor_client_code string Unique customer ID in external system
debtor_counterparty_id Debtor counterparty id integer
debtor_currency Debtor currency string
debtor_currency_exponenta Debtor currency exponenta integer
debtor_gl Debtor gl integer
debtor_liquidity_base_nostro Debtor liquidity base nostro STRING
debtor_master_account Debtor master account STRING
debtor_master_base_account Debtor master base account STRING
debtor_master_gl Debtor master gl INTEGER
debtor_name debtor_name string Debtor Name and Surname for Individual and Company Name for Business customer types respectively
details details string Details of payment
disable_check_zero_amounts Disable check zero amounts boolean
document_id document_id integer int64 Document ID
document_reference document_reference string The unique payment ID as assigned by the ABS system upon Payment registration in the ABS
document_type document_type string Document type
error_description Error Description string Description of error
fee_account fee_account string Fee account
fee_amount fee_amount number decimal Amount of fee
fee_amount_num Fee amount num double
fee_currency fee_currency string Fee currency
fee_currency_exponenta Fee currency exponenta integer
fee_details fee_details string Fee details
fee_id fee_id integer int64 Fee ID
fee_revenue_account Fee revenue account string
fee_revenue_gl Fee revenue gl integer
financial_institution financial_institution string
fixed_side Fixed side string
form_title form_title string Service field
id id integer INT64 Record's sequence number generated in the system.
instruction_codes Instruction codes string
internal_market_rate Internal market rate number
internal_timestamp Internal deal rate time datetime-tz
market_rate Market rate number
market_rate_exponenta Market rate exponenta integer
market_rate_num Market rate num double
modify_date Modify Date string DATETIME The date entry was last modified on
modify_user Modify User string The username of ABS user who has made last changes to the entry
oauth_access_token Oauth access token string
old_client_authorization_type Old client authorization type string
old_processing_status Old processing status string Previous status of remote client data processing received from the external system
old_processing_step Old processing step string Previous step of remote client data processing received from the external system
order_type Order type string
original_reference Original reference string
payment_date Payment Date string DATE Payment creation date and time
payment_fee_id Payment fee id integer
payment_reference payment_reference string external system issued payment ID
payment_template_id Payment template id integer
payment_template_initialized Payment template initialized boolean
payment_type payment_type string Payment type
processing_status Processing Status string Status of remote client data processing received from the external system
processing_step Processing step string Step of remote client data processing received from the external system
rate rate number decimal Rate of operation

rate_expiration_timestamp Rate expiration timestamp datetime-tz
rate_exponenta Rate exponenta integer
rate_num Rate num double
rate_signature rate_signature string Signature operation for rate
rate_timestamp rate_timestamp string DATETIME Operation Date/time
receiver_account_destination_tag Receiver account destination tag STRING
receiver_account_digital_address Receiver account digital address STRING
receiver_agent_code Receiver agent code STRING
receiver_details Receiver details STRING
receiver_name Receiver name STRING
revenue Revenue number
source_system Source system string Source system. For Internetbank please setup "IB"
state state integer INT64 Record state for replication
system system string
transaction_header Transaction integer
transaction_time Transaction time string
transaction_type transaction_type string Type of transaction
uid uid string Unique record identifier which is used to distinguish between existing records
version version integer INT64 Record version for replication
    "status": "ok",
    "error_description": "",
    "error": {},
    "data_type": "system.api.payment.convertation.paymentConvertationModel",
    "total_records": 1,
    "data": {
        "buy_amount": 15.0,
        "buy_currency": "EUR",
        "sell_amount": 12.96,
        "sell_currency": "GBP",
        "rate": 0.863969,
        "revenue": 0.41,
        "debtor_gl": 0,
        "debtor_account": "60003GLN000EURN",
        "debtor_account_iban": "",
        "debtor_ewallet": "60003GLN0002",
        "creditor_gl": 0,
        "creditor_account": "60003GLN020GBPZ",
        "creditor_account_iban": "",
        "creditor_ewallet": "60003GLN0208",
        "debtor_name": "LAKESWOOD CONSULTING LIMITED",
        "fee_amount": 0.0,
        "fee_currency": "EUR",
        "fee_account": "60003GLN000EURN",
        "fee_id": 0,
        "fee_details": "Conversion fee for FXCM200900M046SP,  0, rate /EUR=0",
        "fee_revenue_gl": 0,
        "fee_revenue_account": "",
        "payment_fee_id": 0,
        "disable_check_zero_amounts": false,
        "market_rate": 0.0,
        "rate_timestamp": "2020-09-03T15:22:38.238",
        "rate_signature": "",
        "amount_signature": "",
        "internal_timestamp": null,
        "internal_market_rate": 0.0,
        "error_description": "",
        "payment_reference": "P000001",
        "transaction_header": 6833227,
        "transaction_time": "2020-09-03T15:22:44.455",
        "payment_date": "2020-09-03",
        "payment_type": "CONVERTATION",
        "document_id": 28171836,
        "document_reference": "FXCM200900M046SP",
        "details": "Currency exchange 15 EUR to 12.96 GBP rate .863969 EUR/GBP",
        "debtor_client_code": "EN003GLNX",
        "creditor_client_code": "EN003GLNX",
        "debtor_counterparty_id": 2351970,
        "debtor_account_reference_id": 0,
        "creditor_counterparty_id": 2351970,
        "creditor_account_reference_id": 0,
        "financial_institution": "",
        "original_reference": "",
        "transaction_type": "CURRENCY CONVERTATION",
        "document_type": "",
        "old_processing_status": "COMPLETED",
        "old_processing_step": "",
        "processing_step": "",
        "processing_status": "COMPLETED",
        "uid": "cccce8e0-6042-fb8e-7014-194180759adc",
        "id": 6810322,
        "version": 453224218,
        "state": 0,
        "create_user": "root",
        "create_date": "2020-09-03T15:22:44.390",
        "modify_user": "root",
        "modify_date": "2020-09-03T15:22:44.689"

200 - Response with error when status is ERROR

200 - Response with error when status is ERROR

Schema: HeaderResponseStatusError
Type: application/json
Variable Name Type Format Description
status status string Request execution status
error_description Error Description string Description of error
error Error Code string Error code
data_type data_type string Type of data
total_records total_records string Total count of records
data data object Empty object
    "status": "error",
    "error_description": "[RECORD-NOT-FOUND : Object paymentConvertationModel cannot find record convertation.uid with value 0000000]",
    "error": {},
    "data_type": "system.api.payment.convertation.paymentConvertationModel",
    "total_records": 1,
    "data": {}