Total. Fetch payment by Top Request GET

Schema: paymentTopRequest
Type: object
Variable Name Type Format Usage Description
account account string account
account_group account_group string Group of account
account_status Account Status string Status which is given to the account
amount_from amount_from number decimal Amount operation From
amount_to amount_to number decimal Amount operation To
client_code Client code string Unique client identifier. Issued automatically by the System upon new Customer registration.
currency currency string Currency of the account
currency_type Currency type string
division_client_code Division client code string
document_reference document_reference string The unique payment ID as assigned by the ABS system upon Payment registration in the ABS
hide_fee_for_payments Hide fee for payments BOOLEAN
hide_not_completed_inward Hide not completed inward BOOLEAN
limit limit integer int64 Count records for part data to get
offset_version Offset version INTEGER
offsetid Offsetid integer
page page integer int64 Part data with number of page
page_changes_version_offset Page changes version offset INTEGER
payment_date_from payment_date_from string DATE Date operation From
payment_date_to payment_date_to string DATE Date operation To
payment_group Payment group STRING
payment_reference payment_reference string external system issued payment ID
processing_status Processing Status string Status of remote client data processing received from the external system
product_code Product Code string Code of a given product
request_timeout_seconds Request timeout seconds integer
search Search string
skip_total_records Skip total records boolean
List of allowed values in field (value=>name):
  • 0
  • 1
  "client_code": "EN00000CY",
  "page" : 1,
  "limit" : 10

200 - Response successfully when status is OK

Schema: payment
Type: object
Variable Name Type Format Description
status status string Request execution status
error_description Error Description string Description of error
error Error Code string Error code
data_type data_type string Type of data
total_records total_records string Total count of records
data data array data of Response
attribute: data
Variable Name Type Format Description
action Action string
client_authorization_type Client authorization type string
create_date Create Date string DATETIME The date entry was created on
create_user Create User string The username of ABS user who has created an entry
creditor_client_code creditor_client_code string Unique customer ID in external system
debtor_client_code debtor_client_code string Unique customer ID in external system
details details string Details of payment
document_id document_id integer int64 Document ID
document_reference document_reference string The unique payment ID as assigned by the ABS system upon Payment registration in the ABS
document_type document_type string Document type
financial_institution financial_institution string
form_title form_title string Service field
id id integer INT64 Record's sequence number generated in the system.
instruction_codes Instruction codes string
modify_date Modify Date string DATETIME The date entry was last modified on
modify_user Modify User string The username of ABS user who has made last changes to the entry
old_client_authorization_type Old client authorization type string
old_processing_status Old processing status string Previous status of remote client data processing received from the external system
old_processing_step Old processing step string Previous step of remote client data processing received from the external system
original_reference Original reference string
payment_date Payment Date string DATE Payment creation date and time
payment_template_id Payment template id integer
payment_template_initialized Payment template initialized boolean
payment_type payment_type string Payment type
processing_status Processing Status string Status of remote client data processing received from the external system
processing_step Processing step string Step of remote client data processing received from the external system
state state integer INT64 Record state for replication
transaction_type transaction_type string Type of transaction
uid uid string Unique record identifier which is used to distinguish between existing records
version version integer INT64 Record version for replication
    "status": "ok",
    "error_description": "",
    "error": {},
    "data_type": "",
    "total_records": 27,
    "data": [
            "id": 34123,
            "uid": "9851c9c3-28a1-2d98-9014-55b9002ac08a",
            "version": 1505490247,
            "create_date": "2022-02-14T11:59:09.247",
            "create_user": "root",
            "document_id": 54776,
            "payment_date": "2022-02-14T00:00:00.000",
            "amount": 35.0,
            "currency": "EUR",
            "details": "Internal payment EUR",
            "urgency": "",
            "charges_type": "",
            "value_date": null,
            "debtor_name": "Aigar Feb14-3",
            "debtor_country": "GB",
            "debtor_account": "610002DT000EURV",
            "debtor_account_iban": "GB14PYYT00993723000082",
            "debtor_agent_bic_swift": "PYYTGB21XXX",
            "creditor_name": "January ThirtyOne-One",
            "creditor_country": "GB",
            "creditor_account": "610002BN000EURD",
            "creditor_account_iban": "GB63PYYT00993723000073",
            "creditor_agent_bic_swift": "PYYTGB21XXX",
            "fee_amount": 0.0,
            "fee_currency": "EUR",
            "document_reference": "RMNT22020001CNW2",
            "processing_status": "CANCELLED",
            "payment_reference": "",
            "debtor_client_code": "EN0002DTZ",
            "creditor_client_code": "EN0002BNH",
            "system": "PAYSTREE",
            "error_description": "",
            "ultimate_debtor_name": "",
            "ultimate_creditor_name": "",
            "original_reference": "",
            "payment_type": "INTERNAL",
            "fee_details": "Payment fee for RMNT22020001CNW2",
            "document_type": "",
            "processing_step": "NORMAL",
            "authorise_user": "",
            "authorise_status": "",
            "authorise_date": null,
            "source_system": "",
            "attachments": "",
            "instruction_codes": "",
            "outgoing_chanel": "",
            "buy_amount": 0.0,
            "buy_currency": "",
            "sell_amount": 0.0,
            "sell_currency": ""

200 - Response with error when status is ERROR

Schema: HeaderResponseStatusError
Type: object
Variable Name Type Format Description
status status string Request execution status
error_description Error Description string Description of error
error Error Code string Error code
data_type data_type string Type of data
total_records total_records string Total count of records
data data object Empty object
    "status": "ok",
    "error_description": "",
    "error": {},
    "data_type": "",
    "total_records": -2,
    "data": {}